Data Security
Security gaps often arise because a security architecture is created once and not continuously modernized. We do it differently because the security of your data is our top priority. Find out here about the comprehensive data security that we offer you at YAY.

Safe & carefree
Did your device break?
Smartphone broken, and all personal data is gone? How good if your data is not only stored locally on your smartphone. Our WebApp has saved your memories. You can log into your YAY with all (heal 😉) devices and access your online journal- ONLY YOU.
Password protection
With us, your data is protected by a password. We store passwords in encrypted form. You, too, can support this aspect.
Only you know your admin password. It is not stored by us.
Here's what you can do to protect your online journal:
A secure password does not include names, years, or other information that can be used to identify your family, such as your family name. B. "Theo2021". Never just replace all letters with the same numbers: "F4m1l1e_Sm1th".
Recommendation: Get a secure password with at least 15 characters. Use letters, numbers, and special characters.
An equally secure alternative are passwords that consist of at least 4 non-semantically related words, e.g. B. "CatDiamondSwordWeddingSucculents".
We recommend that you change your read and write passwords regularly and make sure that the passwords are kept in a safe place - and not written down by grandparents on a desk pad or a note in your wallet. Sounds more obvious, but for many, rememberability comes first. But you can reassure your fellow readers: You can give them the reading password again at any time.
Does someone google your kid?
Your YAY cannot be found via search engines on the Internet because we do not index the diaries on the Internet.
Where do we host?
We store the memories in your online journal exclusively on servers in Europe that we administer ourselves. We guarantee the protection of your data on the basis of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Read our privacy policy here.
What about your rights?
Unlike the well-known social media platforms, your data always belongs to you with YAY. We will never read your data for advertising purposes or create profiles from it. Our business model is not based on advertising. Therefore, it costs the subscription fee.
Who can see what?
Only those to whom you give your password together with your online journal domain can read your online journal. Neither other customers nor anyone else who you did not explicitly shared your memories with can see your online journal. Your protected area, where you write entries and upload pictures, is also protected with a password that only you know.
How do we store data?
Instead of storing all customers in one directory, each customer receives an isolated directory on the server. We save your pictures in this directory when you upload them via the YAY WebApp.
Do backups protect your memories?
We create an automated backup of your data and images every day so that, in the worst case, we can restore the status from yesterday. In addition, we will export your data in a structured and sorted manner on request. So you have - in addition to our backups - your own backup copy.
Risk assessment - online versus offline
What is the risk of your house burning down or your physical journal being stolen in a burglary? Low. Luckily! The situation is similar to online storage services. There is a risk - but it is minimal, if you do everything possible to maintain the highest security standards, as we do at YAY.
The security risk for a cloud solution is just as high as someone hacking into your Microsoft account, your Mac, or your smartphone. It is very small. It may feel more secure to only store all data on your own smartphone, but this is a fallacy.
The risk of physical storage media such as hard drives is that one day they may become unreadable because they become prone to damage as they age.
Our promise
We created YAY especially for the particularly high-security needs of parents. We would not use or offer this offer ourselves if YAY was not based on the best security standards.
Do you have any questions about protecting your data that we haven't answered here? Write us!!